
  • WFDB wrappers and helpers. A small subset of the PhysioNet WFDB tools are wrapped with matlab functions, to allow using them directly from matlab. For example,

    • mhrv.wfdb.gqrs - A QRS detection algorithm.

    • mhrv.wfdb.rdsamp - For reading PhysioNet signal data into matlab.

    • mhrv.wfdb.rdann - For reading PhysioNet annotation data into matlab.

    • mhrv.wfdb.wrann - For writing PhysioNet annotation data from matlab datatypes.

    • mhrv.wfdb.wfdb_header - Read record metadata from a WFDB header file (.hea).

  • ECG signal processing. Peak detection and RR interval extraction from ECG data in PhysioNet format. For example,

    • mhrv.wfdb.rqrs - Detection of R-peaks in ECG signals (based on PhysioNet’s gqrs). Configurable for use with both human and animal ECGs.

    • mhrv.ecg.jqrs/mhrv.ecg.wjqrs - An ECG peak-detector based on a modified Pan & Tompkins algorithm and a windowed version.

    • mhrv.ecg.bpfilt- Bandpass filtering for removing noise artifacts from ECG signals.

    • mhrv.wfdb.ecgrr - Construction of RR intervals from ECG data in PhysioNet format.

    • mhrv.wfdb.qrs_compare - Comparison of QRS detections to reference annotations and calculation of quality measures like Sensitivity, PPV.

  • RR-intervals signal processing. Ectopic beat rejection, frequency filtering, nonlinear dynamic and fractal analysis. For example,

    • mhrv.rri.filtrr - Filtering of RR interval time series to detect ectopic (out of place) beats.

    • mhrv.rri.dfa - Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, a method of estimating the fractal scaling exponent of a signal [3].

    • mhrv.rri.mse - Multiscale Sample Entropy, a measure of the complexity of the signal computed on multiple time scales [4].

    • mhrv.rri.sample_entropy - Sample Entropy, a measure of the irregularity of a signal.

  • HRV Metrics: Calculating quantitative measures that indicate the activity of the heart based on RR intervals using all standard HRV metrics defined in the literature (see e.g. [2]).

    • mhrv.hrv.hrv_time - Time Domain: AVNN, SDNN, RMSSD, pNNx.

    • mhrv.hrv.hrv_freq - Frequency Domain:

      • Total and normalized power in (configurable) VLF, LF, HF and custom user-defined bands.

      • Spectral power estimation using Lomb, Auto Regressive, Welch and FFT methods.

      • Additional frequency-domain features: LF/HF ratio, LF and HF peak frequencies, power-law scaling exponent (beta).

    • mhrv.hrv.hrv_nonlinear - Nonlinear methods:

      • Short- and long-term scaling exponents (alpha1, alpha2) based on DFA.

      • Sample Entropy and Multiscale sample entropy (MSE).

      • Poincaré plot metrics (SD1, SD2).

    • mhrv.hrv.hrv_fragmentation - Time-domain RR interval fragmentation analysis [5].

  • Configuration: The toolbox is fully configurable with many user-adjustable parameters.

    • The configuration files are in human-readable YAML format which is easy to edit and extend.

    • The user can create custom configurations files based on the defatuls.yml file (only overriding what’s required).

    • Custom configuration files can be loaded with a single call which updates the defaults for the entire toolbox. This allows simple, reproducible analysis of different datasets that require different analysis configurations. See the mhrv.defaults package.

    • The settings for any of the functions can either be configured globally with configuration yml files or on a per-call basis with matlab-style key-value argument pairs.

  • Plotting: All toolbox functions support plotting their output for data visualization. The plotting code is separated from the algorithmic code in order to simplify embedding this toolbox in other matlab applications. See the mhrv.plots package.

  • Top-level analysis functions: These functions work with PhysioNet records and allow streamlined HRV analysis by composing the functions of this toolbox.

    • mhrv.mhrv - Analyzes a single PhysioNet record (ECG data or annotations), optionally split into multiple analysis windows. Extracts all supported HRV features and optionally generates plots.

    • mhrv.mhrv_batch - Analyzes many PhysioNet records (ECG data or annotations) which can be further separated into user-defined groups (e.g. Control, Test). Automatically computes HRV metrics per group and generates a comparative summary of the HRV features in each group.